🪬Machine Unlearning: Stop the Evil AI from taking over your personal data

Abish Pius
7 min readSep 17, 2023
Machine Unlearning is necessary to protect people’s private data

AI is scaling at an incredibly rapid pace and there’s a growing need to not only train models effectively but also to untrain them when necessary. This is where the concept of Machine Unlearning comes into play. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of Machine Unlearning, specifically focusing on an unlearning algorithm and its evaluation using a Membership Inference Attack (MIA).

🎯 Unlearning Algorithm

The essence of machine unlearning lies in developing algorithms that allow us to selectively forget certain information while retaining the knowledge we want to preserve. Let’s dive into an example unlearning algorithm.

The Retain and Forget Split

The unlearning algorithm begins by splitting the original training dataset into two subsets: the retain set and the forget set. The retain set contains the data we want to keep, typically much larger than the forget set. In this example, we use a 90% retain set and a 10% forget set:

forget_set, retain_set = keras.utils.split_dataset(train_ds.unbatch(), left_size=0.1)
forget_ds = forget_set.batch(BATCH_SIZE).prefetch(AUTOTUNE)
retain_ds = retain_set.batch(BATCH_SIZE).prefetch(AUTOTUNE)

Unlearning by…



Abish Pius

Data Science Professional, Python Enthusiast, turned LLM Engineer